IPA: ʌnˈɑtʃt
- Not notched
Examples of "unnotched" in Sentences
- He unnotched the arrow and replaced it in the quiver.
- Though I focused on a very simple problem (multiaxial fatigue at fatigue limit, unnotched specimens), I have got to (I hope) quite important conclusions concerning different aspects of commonly used solution technologies.
- All methods I am trying to evaluate are working in the same way - they are using local stresses (i.e. nominal ones for unnotched specimens, which thus relate to something you would probably call the multiaxial fatigue limit) and reduce them in some more or less complicated way to a single parameter.
- A; then in whatever direction or position this knife be moved edge foremost, either about the marked or the unmarked pole, the current of electricity produced will be from P to N, provided the intersected curves proceeding from A abut upon the notched surface of the knife, and those from B upon the unnotched side.
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