IPA: ʌnnˈʌmbɝd
- Not identified with a number
- Too numerous to be counted; countless or innumerable
Examples of "unnumbered" in Sentences
- As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead
- Felix and helped him with advice and kindness in unnumbered ways.
- William vanden Heuvel Diary, last unnumbered box in the Donovan collection
- -- and the echo rose in unnumbered voices of lonely lips, toned with wondrous gratitude, "Free, Free, Free!"
- Hour is ripe to recall unnumbered tribulations, sacrifices heroically endured by the dawn-breakers, culminating in Bahá’u’lláh’s afflictive imprisonment in
- Yet even they must honour the astonishing ingenuity with which he furnishes clues that tempt you in one direction when quite another is wanted; serves up idiosyncratic treats like his alphabetical crosswords, where you have to fill the answers into an unnumbered grid; or somehow gathers so many composers or cattle or cricket grounds into one puzzle that his customers gasp in wonder.
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