IPA: ʌnˈɔrʌdʒʌnˈæɫɪti
- The property of lacking originality, repetitiveness, triteness, banality.
Examples of "unoriginality" in Sentences
- Perhaps the most suspect of unoriginality is the remake.
- This of course brings me to the complaint of unoriginality, or the "prequel concept".
- Seriously what was a quality show in a tirade of unoriginality is turning into fanserv rubbish.
- And how can you properly villainize "unoriginality" when it's so vague and all-encompassing, as you've described?
- But, most of all, the heights in CGI that the James Cameron event reached and the emotional ties to the Trail of Tears, made its basic unoriginality not matter to me.
- In my mind, unoriginality occurs when one attempts to transfer one story from one medium to another without any thought to changing, or even heightening, the themes or messages of the underlying story.
- Also ... the ones who talk about Avatar's unoriginality aren't in any way as repetitive as the ones who talk about it's action scenes and special effects (hooray for the Transformers movies then, huh?)
- There are occasional, nonintrusive footnotes and more ample notes at the back, though the presence of those is not indicated in the text by interruptive superior numerals; there is also a longish Bibliography (though, as a note warns, not every item in it deals with or is suggestive of "unoriginality"), and a good Index.