IPA: ʌnˈɔrnʌmɛntɪd
- Not ornamented; without ornament.
Examples of "unornamented" in Sentences
- Soaring above, the roof was unornamented, just a graceful assemblage of beams.
- Plain and unornamented, it was exactly the kind of gate Anya expected to find in a sewer.
- The platform itself was unornamented, simple slabs of stone mortared to one another, but the sides were inlaid with hexagonal patterns in white marble.
- The common folk in Carson City used unornamented sacks for their walls, while the local aristocrats sported rudimentary frescoes made from red-and-blue flour sacks.
- And in a way isn't art or for that matter theater and film criticism the unornamented, un-illuminated written word's severe iconoclastic reaction to if not to say corrective to if not to say vengeance upon the Image and the terrible danger it poses?
- I fancy you would find our talk amusing if you could assist at it in a cloak of darkness, for one of the penalties of being 'the wisest man and profoundest thinker of the age' is the royal one of never hearing the plain, 'unornamented' truth spoken; everyone striving to be wise and profound/invitâ naturâ/in the presence of such a one, and making himself as much as possible into his likeness.
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