IPA: ʌnpˈɛrd
- not forming one of a pair
Examples of "unpaired" in Sentences
- There may be a single unpaired word in the middle.
- And feeling unpaired with all of those things causes me to feel despair.
- Feeling alone is feeling that I am unpaired with what everyone seems to have.
- Each hydrogen atom has only one electron, and single, or "unpaired," electrons are less stable than electrons that are present as pairs.
- Some 'unpaired' teams share safety officials or are on the same public transport line, meaning its also best they don't play at home on the same day.
- The rear door opens, unleashing a cascade of unpaired shoes, beer cans, the shredded remains of Petra's straw hat, balled up socks, and unclaimed underwear.
- This spectrum is perfect for broadcast services as it is "unpaired" - it cannot be used to send and receive signals so it is not used for mobile phone calls.
- The company purchased what is known as "unpaired" spectrum, which generally allows for one-way communication, and which isn't ideal for a full-service wireless-broadband network, according to analysts.
- Opponents 'objections point specifically to the way the spectrum would be duplexed, claiming that techniques such as unpaired Time Division Duplexing or paired Frequency Division Duplexing would be unable to operate due to signal interference.
- Being unpaired with a future worth living causes me to feel hopeless; being unpaired with any help that I or others can provide causes me to feel helpless; being unpaired with a reason to go on causes me to feel that everything is both pointless and meaningless; and being unpaired with doing or accomplishing all the things I'm supposedly capable of causes me to feel worthless.
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