IPA: ʌnpˈæɫʌtʌbˈɪɫʌti
- (uncountable) The state of being unpalatable
- (countable) The extent to which something is unpalatable
Examples of "unpalatability" in Sentences
- Never mind the unpalatability, Mr. Meyer lost me at "poisonous."
- Other problems are caused by saponins, including unpalatability.
- Other problems are caused by saponins, including the unpalatability.
- Species used for living fences in Africa include plants with good natural defence systems, such as long thorns, spines or unpalatability.
- Work should be carried out to determine and remove the factor (s) responsible for its unpalatability and adverse gastro-intestinal effects.
- European politicians have been weighing the unpalatability of rescuing their banks relative to that of rescuing peripheral European economies.
- The unpalatability of this argument, for me, is that it insists on an imagination of aggress, in which one sensual register must overcome the other for transcendence to become possible.
- If the mimicked are left alone by birds because they have a reputation for unpalatability, or because they are able to sting, the mimickers survive -- although they are palatable and stingless.
- McConnell's ultra vires argument is pretty unpersuasive given the actual history of segregation in the District of Columbia; it is his way of reconciling his sincere originalist views with the unpalatability of their consequences.
- Their adaptive mechanisms include deep root systems that penetrate to subsoil moisture or wide-spreading root systems to gather spare moisture, with some species having both root types; adaptation to the high salinity often found in arid areas; small leaf blades or needle-like leaves to reduce transpiration during drought or other physiological mechanisms to conserve moisture by slowing evaporation through the leaves; and unpalatability or thorniness that discourages grazing animals.