
IPA: ʌnpˈɑrdʌnʌbʌɫ


  • impossible to pardon; impossible to excuse or justify

Examples of "unpardonable" in Sentences

  • I had paid was the least he could do to repair the result of what he called his unpardonable carelessness.
  • Constantine University in eastern Algeria, in which he admitted to what he described as unpardonable past crimes by France in Algeria.
  • Mamma would be greatly delighted whenever she caught him red-handed in the sin, which he continued to call the unpardonable sin, of snobbery.
  • He stirs up indignation when he places baseness where it is quite unpardonable, that is in the case of men who are expected to show fine moral sense.
  • Some of his former Radical friends and associates especially denounce in no measured terms his unpardonable heresy in departing from what they consider was his old political path.
  • I am sorry to say that the Pretenderette dropped the wicker cage containing the parrot into the sea -- an unpardonable piece of cruelty and revenge; unpardonable, that is, unless you consider that she did not really know any better.
  • Never was peace endangered between his mother and him, except when she chanced to make use of some evil maxim which she thought experience had taught her, and the look her son cast upon her stung her to the heart, making her for a moment feel as if she had sinned what the theologians call the unpardonable sin.
  • -- ` Well, 'he went on, ` just you look in the Bible, and you'll find that there's what they call the unpardonable sin -- there's no forgiveness for those who've been guilty of it; and if there's truth in that Bible, there's no forgiveness for you, for you've been the biggest blasphemer against the Bible in Crossbourne.'

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