IPA: ʌnpɝtˈɪʃʌnd
- Not partitioned.
Examples of "unpartitioned" in Sentences
- Then once deleted, you will have a large amount of "unpartitioned" spave for you to choose.
- When I set this laptop up years ago while still working for ITRU, I left a few gigs unpartitioned.
- He dwelt in the house of universal vajra, in space, immaterial and very lucid, unpartitioned and radiant.
- Worst case, if awakened too late a dream traveler could end up in a sort of electronic limbo of 1s and 0s like a defragmented or unpartitioned part of a hard drive.
- But here's the part you can't read about anywhere: once you start the virtual Windows back up, it views that new space as "unpartitioned", meaning that you can't use it for anything yet.
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