
IPA: ʌnpeɪtriˈɑtɪk


  • Not patriotic

Examples of "unpatriotic" in Sentences

  • So …. calling me unpatriotic is factually incorrect.
  • So†¦. calling me unpatriotic is factually incorrect.
  • Labeling Ms. Sheehan as somehow unpatriotic is slander.
  • To accuse them of being negative or unpatriotic is reallly just smear.
  • And calling anyone who disagrees with Obama's Master Plan unpatriotic is beneath contempt.
  • And trying to call John McCain unpatriotic in order to stop the Monica sex talk just isn't going to cut it.
  • The zoot-suiters were called unpatriotic slackers who were more interested in having a good time than in helping the war effort.
  • Whats really unpatriotic is how Americans use and abuse others for power instead of trying to win votes on their accomplishments and goodness.
  • To me the definition of unpatriotic is a politician or newscaster who wears an American flag pin and yammers on about imaginary threats when were cheating our kids out of a quality future by underfunding their education.

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