IPA: ʌnpɝsʌn
- A person who has been stripped of rights, identity, or humanity.
- (transitive) To strip (a person) of rights, identity, or humanity.
Examples of "unperson" in Sentences
- Newspeak - including such lasting terms as "unperson,"
- In Orwell's term, Cortés has become an "unperson" -- not "nonperson," as the word is so frequently misquoted.
- I imagine that St. Andrew has become a liability to the "vaccines-cause-autism" crowd and will soon find himself an "unperson".
- Also her videotape on being an "unperson" ought to be required viewing, even for staff who don't work specifically with autistic people.
- And how often do you get a chance to hear a journalist who is fired from the newspaper he helped start and who became an instant "unperson" at that paper?
- There, a one-time colleague, Trotsky, could virtually disappear from the story of the Revolution and become an 'unperson' for an entire generation of young Russians.
- After all, he is immediately demoted from his prestigious status level six to being an "unperson", the automatic status of someone who has no identity cards, no birth certificate and, in fact, no recorded history.
- Thanks for the update, I was directed to read her after I did a post on care workers treating me without dignity and saw her video on being an "unperson" and have gone back several times to learn different ways in which to explain a point of contact.