IPA: ʌnpɝtˈɝbd
- Not perturbed.
Examples of "unperturbed" in Sentences
- The traders are The word unperturbed fits in the sentence.
- And it is a youth, standing tiptoe upon the earth, now waiting in unperturbed ease, now searching with unbridled zeal, who is lover and mystic.
- If something can happen and yet leave the light unperturbed, which is the essence of temporal cloaking, then the event can become as invisible as a cloaked object.
- Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and a voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all: "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed".
- Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and the voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed".
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