IPA: ʌnpˈɪrst
- not pierced
Examples of "unpierced" in Sentences
- Although unpierced and untattooed, I was becoming an East Villager in subtler ways.
- Just toss the whole squash -- the WHOLE squash, washed, uncut, unpierced -- into a 425F oven for 90 minutes.
- To which the unpierced, nontattooed parents of America might respond, "" In the name of all that is good and decent: why? ''
- It is no more than a plain unpierced cylinder, or circular wall, with two fillets and a cornice, having a vaulted roof or cupola, open in the centre.
- “Yesterday I visited the treasury and it was full, but this morning when I entered it I found it empty, though the walls were unpierced and the doors unbroken.”
- Then the Caliph held festival for Ala al-Din and, summoning the Kazis and witnesses, wrote the contract and married him to the Princess Husn Maryam; and he went in unto her and found her an unpierced pearl.
- TongueJoy sells tongue-mounted mini-vibrators (which are, according to the FAQ, not sex toys), and accessories, including a kit for mounting them on your tongue piercing (the unpierced can use rubber bands) and an external "turbo pack."
- I would never have thought it possible, but after a dozen years, I no longer have a nipple piercing, just one regular-sized nipple the unpierced one on the right and the one on the left that became rather enlarged in response to being pierced.
- And he found her a pearl unpierced and unthridden and a filly by all men save himself unridden; and he abated her virginity and had joyance of her youth in his virility and presently he withdrew sword from sheath; and then returned to the fray right eath; and when the battle and the siege had finished, some fifteen assaults he had furnished and she conceived by him that very night.
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