IPA: ʌnpɪgmˈɛtɪd
- Not pigmented.
Examples of "unpigmented" in Sentences
- '' O. groenlandicus '' is a soil-dwelling, unpigmented species.
- We have seen 2 types of beautiful unpainted/unpigmented stucco ...
- But over time, the stem cells go missing from hair follicles, leaving people with unpigmented, white hair.
- Even when I frequented a clinic for radiation treatments to stabilize my vitiligo—a skin disease characterized by unpigmented areas of skin—Buddha would always accompany me on the bus.
- Unlike the unpigmented nominal form with its skin-covered eyes, P.a. parkelj (presently known only from Bela Krajina in SE Slovenia) is dark brown or black and has externally visible (albeit small) eyes.
- The new species is highly adapted to hypogean life with very obvious troglobiomorphic features: unpigmented cuticle, an extraordinary lengthening of thorax and appendixes, multiplication of antennomeres and supernumerary placoid sensilla, not just in the apical antennomere but also in the preceding antennomeres.
- In an experiment with enhanced UV-B radiation levels (0.5 Watts/square meter (W/m2) in the 300 to 320 nanometer (nm) band for 12 to 14 hours per day, approximately equivalent to clear sky summer conditions in southern Norway) the unpigmented '' O. groenlandicus '' experienced 100% mortality within one week, while the heavily pigmented '' H. viatica '' was not affected.
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