
IPA: ʌnpɫˈæntɪd


  • Not planted.

Examples of "unplanted" in Sentences

  • A new redwood privacy fence wraps around a large but unplanted garden bed.
  • Fields are left fallow for a season, which means they are ploughed but left unplanted to rejuvenate.
  • I should advise these to remain unplanted, unless they are sown with mignonnette, or something of that kind.
  • The Chinese government crumbled, farms went unplanted, fleeing Chinese were met at their borders and slaughtered.
  • Last year, according to the USDA, there were 7 million acres of corn, soybeans and wheat that went unplanted due to the weather.
  • To a development worker from Bangladesh, with one of the highest rates of land cultivation in the world, unplanted land is money on the ground.
  • The North Dakota Wheat Commission projects at least 500,000 acres will go unplanted because of the weather, while some analysts predict that one million acres or more will be left idle or shifted to other crops.
  • September 21, 2009 at 6: 01 pm today I even rearranged and “dead headed” my driveway garden plants (some were not getting enough sun and some too much) you forgot to mention the times I have to yell at the dog for tipping over some of my plants to get to the unplanted bed! thank you, for your belly busting post!

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