IPA: ʌnpɫˈɛdʒd
- Not pledged; not committed.
- (finance) Not used as collateral.
Examples of "unpledged" in Sentences
- They have something called unpledged delegates -- 570 of them.
- Obama and his so called unpledged minions like Donna Brazille are trying to thwart that by saying rules are rules.
- She's one of two women on the committee under the age of thirty and prefers to be called an "unpledged," rather than a "super" delegate.
- The so-called unpledged super delegates who are the unpledged delegates who can pick whoever they want to and even change their mind along the way if they like.
- CBS News reported, including the elimination of the so-called "unpledged superdelegates" who were not bound by the results of their states' primaries or caucuses.
- I can't figure out if these are the three "unpledged" add-ons that Illinois gets or if these are three of the twenty pledged PLEOs (Party Leaders and Elected Officials) which are alloted proportionally to the candidates based on the primary results.
- The Democratic Change Commission, which was formed last August by President Barack Obama, plans to recommend that superdelegates -- also known as unpledged delegates -- will be required to vote in accordance with the electoral performance of the state from which they represent.
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