
IPA: ʌnpˈɑɫɪʃt


  • Not polished; not brought to a polish.
  • Deprived of polish.
  • Not refined in manners or style

Examples of "unpolished" in Sentences

  • Post, "unpolished" Greene is on the campaign trail.
  • Although Psi is kind of unpolished and has some rough edges, it has a ton of features and is extremely configurable.
  • In a world saturated by overproduced, unnaturally perfect, and clean - the unpolished is the most creative and in many cases most inspirational.
  • Drop Dead Diva, a light fantasy revolving around a demanding young actress who dies and returns to Earth in the body of a brilliant but "unpolished" attorney.
  • However, in 1940s-1950s, when American literature favored refined and intentionally complicated writing techniques, Jack London, together with Theodore Dreiser and other "unpolished" literary figures, were considered too simplistic.
  • And I believe this is talking past Mike's point entirely, which is that you have projects on both ends of the spectrum but what we need is stuff in the middle -- we need more than just the huge games and the quirky, eccentric aka unpolished and low production quality indies.
  • Having no business education except that acquired from common experience and observation, and no schooling except of the most rudimentary kind, he would express himself clearly in unpolished but forcible and terse language, and would write out with his own hand a contract which, for precision and completeness, few lawyers could equal.

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