IPA: ʌnprˈɛdʒʌdʌst
- Not prejudiced.
Examples of "unprejudiced" in Sentences
- I presume he's not the kind of unprejudiced priest who pretends to have vices when he has none?
- For more ideas about how to raise unprejudiced children, pick up the Greater Good Science Center's book, "Are We Born Racist?"
- What few who approach "Lolita" unprejudiced are likely to find is that it deserves the strictures of obscenity now being cast upon it.
- Professor Edred Corner an evolutionist writes in an article about evolution in plants, “To the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation.”
- In his essay, Robbe-Grillet writes of Kafka that if there is one thing of which an unprejudiced realing convinces us it is the absolute reality of the things Kafka describes ...
- I could not help but notice during these "unprejudiced" town meetings that the Cave family is being somewhat persecuted for going above and beyond everything the town has requested of them.
- There seem to be more younger women who are crazy enough or damaged enough or just plain unprejudiced against gray hair, bald spots, slack guts, and wrinkles or for whom a trim waist and a youthful attitude and a sparkling personality are attractive enough than there are younger men similarly crazy, damaged, or unprejudiced.
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