IPA: ʌnprʌdˈʌktɪvɫi
- In an unproductive manner.
Examples of "unproductively" in Sentences
- I would be raging (unproductively and stupidly) at the unfairness of it all.
- So many people actually frown upon using time "unproductively" (is that even a word?)
- I can understand why we need extra people working unproductively in any field after we lose too many jobs overseas.
- And meditation might also help to reduce my blood pressure and anxiety levels, both of which are unhealthily and unproductively high.
- The fact that people are unproductively sitting home in the U.S. and Greece does not obviate the need for the Fed to eventually deal with its mandate of providing stable prices.
- Tax increases are a drag on the economy, and they transfer funds from the private sector, which would use that money productively, to the public sector, which will use that money unproductively.
- The problem is that often, the attempts to employ them make them unproductively employed, which is no better than being idle, and considerably worse, if it wastes other, more durable resources in the process.
- Instead of allowing enlisted prisoners to languish unproductively in prison camps, where they were a drain on the empire's resources, the Germans assigned POWs to labor detachments (Arbeitskommandos) and sent them to work in factories, quarries, forests, mines, and fields.
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