IPA: ʌnprʌdˈʌktɪvnʌs
- The characteristic of being unproductive; lack of productiveness.
Examples of "unproductiveness" in Sentences
- So I tried to salvage my unproductiveness by reading.
- Oh, they were comrade souls in unproductiveness, those two.
- Its exciting, and it sheds the feelings of unproductiveness from me.
- Anything like the cares of responsibility would sooner or later harass him into unproductiveness.
- Walton provides a chart with all the instances p.48, and suggests that the evidence points to the term denoting unproductiveness rather than lack of material form.
- "We expect rough times and a major showdown in parliament, dominated by patronage, vendettas and unproductiveness if the situation remains as it is," Kenyan political analyst Evans Manduku said.
- "We expect rough times and a major showdown in parliament, dominated by patronage, vendettas and unproductiveness if the situation remains as it is," Kenyan political analyst Evans Manduku said Monday.
- We will accomplish conservation when we, as a nation, scorn waste, pollution, and unproductiveness as something damaging, not only to the individual reputation of the waster, but to the self-respect of the craft and the society of which he is a member.
- A little more than a week into the proceedings around Lyon's expulsion, Representative Gallatin noted the unproductiveness of partisan debate in a letter to his wife, reporting that the House was "still hunting the Lyon, and it [was] indeed the most unpleasant and unprofitable business that ever a respectable representative body did pursue."