IPA: ʌnprʌnˈaʊnsʌbʌɫ
- Something difficult or impossible to pronounce.
- Impossible or difficult to pronounce or articulate.
Examples of "unpronounceable" in Sentences
- The name of the new medication was so unpronounceable that the pharmacist had to write the instructions down for me
- In a fit of frustration, I threw my hands in the air when I reached the unpronounceable section of the foreign menu
- The scientist proudly unveiled the discovery of a new element with an unpronounceable name that left spectators in awe
- I laughed at my friend's attempt to say the unpronounceable word, causing him to blush in embarrassment
- The unpronounceable street name led me on a wild goose chase as I tried to find the correct destination