
IPA: ʌnprʌpˈɪʃʌsɫi


  • In an unpropitious way.

Examples of "unpropitiously" in Sentences

  • So, unpropitiously, my acquaintance with Mr. Skelmersdale began.
  • The day that opened so unpropitiously, closed upon him, a ruined man!
  • It had begun, unpropitiously, with something very like a dispute between
  • He did not wait to continue a conversation so unpropitiously begun, but went off on a lonely exploring tramp along the shore.
  • On the left wing of the Christian fleet, the battle, which had begun so unpropitiously, was also brought to a prosperous issue.
  • But the boat he chartered, the unpropitiously named Mal di Testa—"headache" in Italian—capsized and was abandoned, Ms. Cook said.
  • But no king could have managed worse than he, no king could be more unfortunately and unpropitiously placed; and his own imprudence and folly hastened the catastrophe.
  • He afterwards wrote an account of this first meeting, which is interesting because of the closer relationship to which an acquaintance so unpropitiously begun was to lead.
  • The Chancellor, more relieved than he would have acknowledged, reflected before a fire and over a glass of hot milk that he was rather unpropitiously bringing Karl a bride!
  • But certain events befell unpropitiously at a time when the baron was most certain of his conquest; at the very time, indeed, when he had determined to open his suit definitely by extending a proposal to the young lady through the orthodox medium of her nearest male relative.

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