IPA: ʌnprˈuvʌbʌɫ
- That cannot be proved or verified by any test
Examples of "unprovable" in Sentences
- A “feeling” is only an unprovable personal perception.
- Gödel started by taking one of those paradox-like statements: “This statement is unprovable.”
- God is unprovable or maybe non-existent and the solar theory of global warming has been debunked.
- Postmodernism, a self-consciously "unprovable" theory, replaced formal structures with subjectivity.
- "Postmodernism, a self-consciously" unprovable "theory, replaced formal structures with subjectivity.
- Don't give me this load about degineration if you are going to make assertions such as, the * "unprovable" aspects of an open agenda, and expect no reply.
- Note that when Dawkins says the existence of God is technically unprovable, he is not disagreeing with the statement made in God: The Failed Hypothesis that God does not exist beyond a reasonable doubt.
- According to Dawkins, that makes science “one of the world’s great evils”, since scientists start with faith that certain unprovable assumptions are true; among others – the objective existence of the material universe, that is is governed by rational laws, the reliability of human reason, the reliability of observation.
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