IPA: ʌnpˈʌbɫɪʃt
- Not published.
Examples of "unpublished" in Sentences
- The original version was to remain unpublished for thirteen years.
- The entries would be wrong because the data wasn't expected to contain unpublished books.
- Let the world decide whether the stuff that's still unpublished is fun, paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence.
- It was his Gospel he referred to as his unpublished book, his doctrine of Selfishness, and of Man the irresponsible Machine.
- Apart from the few column inches Penthouse was able to accommodate, these tapes, from 1979, have lain unpublished ever since.
- YEAR = {}, type = {}, number = {}, address = {} @unpublished is used to refer to as of yet unpublished documents, articles and such.
- The increased digitization of the profession of literary scholarship has also made certain unpublished, archival, and visual resources more readily available.
- At the same time that he translates and analyzes the Mask, Brecht also translates nine stanzas from Part III of Peter Bell the Third, which apparently remain unpublished throughout Brecht's lifetime. 16
- Presented annually, the awards honour excellence in unpublished work submitted by up-and-coming writers across the country and are presented by CBC and Radio-Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts and Air Canada's enRoute magazine.
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