IPA: ʌnpˈʌŋktʃuʌɫ
- Not punctual.
Examples of "unpunctual" in Sentences
- But of all men alive Dolly Longstaff was the most unpunctual.
- The punctual, who keep none waiting for them, are doomed to wait perpetually for the unpunctual.
- These way, notorious unpunctual types (read: college students) won't be locked out if they are 10 minutes "late."
- Casting his eye upon his own character, two things appeared to him: that he was very unpunctual, and that he disliked answering notes.
- ‘But you are so unpunctual, Mr. Tudor,’ and Jabesh twisted his head backwards and forwards within his cravat, rubbing his chin with the interior starch.
- ‘But you are so unpunctual,’ he said, having at last made up his mind that he had made a very good thing of Charley, and that probably he might go a little further without much danger.
- At length, as she united a final row of hooks and eyes, she found leisure to chide her, saying she was very naughty to be so unpunctual; that she looked even now the picture of incorrigible carelessness: and so Shirley did - but a very lovely picture of that tiresome quality.
- Policemen, teachers, civil servants, owners of small family businesses—the baker, the butcher, the florist—who felt tyrannized by regulations and taxes and saw immigrants from Morocco and Turkey both as competitors (with small shops that could sell cheaper goods because they hired cheap, illegal workers) and as bad employees (unpunctual and disrespectful slackers who could not speak proper Dutch).
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