IPA: ʌnkwˈɛstʃʌnʌbˈɪɫɪti
- (uncountable) The property of being unquestionable.
- (countable) Something that cannot be questioned; a certainty.
Examples of "unquestionability" in Sentences
- As I have said many, many times, the force field of unquestionability that religion and faith enjoy must be ripped down.
- The unquestionability of the umpire's authority is regularly enforced with punishments less formal than ejection or fines.
- That denying any above is intrinsic proof of this list's accuracy, unquestionability, and the need not to offer proof for anything.
- Prior to those horrible 1960s (you know, when all good things like the unquestionability of white male privilege came to an end), this omission did not matter.
- A new dimension to McCain's "unquestionability" has been added to his campaign now that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has joined the ticket, with pundits and anchors calling
- Can’t we get away from this foolish idea that the Obama Era of Peace, Freedom, and Security means elevating the research of social scientists to some altar of unquestionability?