IPA: ʌnkwˈɛstʃʌnɪŋɫi
- Without asking questions or having doubts. With complete obedience and without making any opposition.
Examples of "unquestioningly" in Sentences
- By repeating their name unquestioningly, the BBC is abetting their aim.
- She is trying to cover up the horrors of the war she unquestioningly supports.
- Lardass spouts the bullshit and his moronic followers unquestioningly lap it up.
- If you had put the word 'unquestioningly' in my brackets, then I think your case would be stronger.
- I have no doubt the right wing media, whose impact Nisbet discounts, will take up his misinformation unquestioningly.
- As we saw throughout the month of August, facts have NO EFFECT on the GOP; they will unquestioningly believe whatever Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck say without any evidence whatsoever.
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