IPA: ʌnrɛkʌgnˈaɪzʌbʌɫ
- that cannot be recognized, especially because of substantial changes
Examples of "unrecognizable" in Sentences
- The man is almost unrecognizable from the first film (see picture below).
- A hospital today is almost unrecognizable from the place I visited as a child.
- Last year, I was in London for a launch and one evening went to Brixton, like everywhere, it was unrecognizable from the area I'd known
- The idea that someone looks completely different without their glasses, so much so that they’re unrecognizable, is unbelievable but a staple of romance fiction.
- At times as you are watching it you can hear 300 Gerard, and at others you can hear RockNRolla Gerard, but most of the time the voice in unrecognizable and that’s a good thing.
- April 21st, 2010 12: 22 pm ET define "liberal." define "moderate." define "conservative." these definitions have become so twisted and misappropriated in current debate as to be unrecognizable from the same labels used just twenty years ago.
- Senator Kerry has already released a blistering response, in which he says that the Republican’s campaign tactics have only served to highlight “the fact that the John McCain of today is unrecognizable from the John McCain of just a couple years ago.”
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