
IPA: ʌnrˈɛkʌnsaɪɫd


  • not reconciled
  • inconsistent

Examples of "unreconciled" in Sentences

  • It later admitted there were still up to 18 million "unreconciled" cases that could also be affected.
  • But we were driven into our separate corners, so many of us, and remain largely unreconciled to this day.
  • The rise of political Zionism coincided with resurgent Arab nationalism, an unreconciled collision that continues to occupy our front pages.
  • -- lyrical, allusive, unconsoled -- is this sense of belatedness, a mood that is not nostalgia but is instead a kind of unreconciled yearning for the present.
  • What's most stunning to me, however, is how Incognito manages to avoid the trite tropes of the old racial passing narrative where the shock of black ancestry is revealed, seems repulsive and, as a result, goes unreconciled.
  • One ever feels his twoness, -- an American, a Negro; two warring souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. from "Of Our Spiritual Strivings" in The Souls of Black Folk.
  • The feeling that the Democratic party of Kentucky was in many respects an "unreconciled" party, and that it sanctioned the lawlessness of the Ku-Klux, has led the Republicans to adhere to the national organization of their party, without paying much attention to the questions
  • Just as human resources can point to turnover rates, information technology to systems downtime or finance to unreconciled items, the chief risk officer needs an objective gauge, such as unexpected earnings volatility, to evaluate the success of the company's risk management program.

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