
IPA: ʌnridˈimʌbʌɫ


  • Not redeemable; irredeemable.

Examples of "unredeemable" in Sentences

  • He can't be too angsty, too cruel, too unredeemable.
  • Not sure that I could stomach that unredeemable ugliness.
  • If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable.
  • It hits on one of those stories that I love — the unredeemable protagonist who must be redeemed.
  • Mireau and Broulard may be unredeemable, but ordinary soldiers, even after the brutality of the trenches, can be human again.
  • Both have a lot of fairly unredeemable sex and violence, used to indicate a kind of primal concern with survival in a harsh world.
  • Just as often, betrayed partners need moral confirmation, viewing themselves as the victims and their partners as perpetrators, if not unredeemable villains.
  • Unless the Cheneybot starts chucking GOPer Senators down wells, I'm sticking with "Darth Vader" being a poor analogy ... because this mockery of a man truly is unredeemable.
  • And so for all that Lolita may be the literary classic, and proud of its pedigree, my vote so far goes to The Thorn Birds, a supposedly trashy family saga that never descends into unredeemable ugliness.
  • Loan servicers, firms that collect payments and handle foreclosures, seem to have "nearly exhausted the supply of plausible candidates for loan modifications" and will find that many loans are "unredeemable," the S

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