
IPA: ʌnrˈaɪtʃʌs


  • Not righteous; wicked.

Examples of "unrighteous" in Sentences

  • In the next paragraph slavery is called "unrighteous," which was the great offence charged there.
  • God says, 'Let the wicked forsake his ways and the _unrighteous_ man _his thoughts_' -- that is, his unrighteous thoughts.
  • I will not stand for what God calls unrighteous because of the negative implications for my future family, future generations
  • Also, Dallin Oaks understands full well that the contention that gay marriage will somehow cause Mormon temples to be invaded by the unrighteous is a canard.
  • "He will be with you as you have spoken, that is, as you have gloried; you shall have that really which, while you went on in unrighteous ways, you only seemed to have and boasted of as if you had."
  • Does any rational man seriously believe, that if his Mammon was unrighteous, that is, if his wealth were ill-gotten, he would save his soul, and be received into eternal life, for giving away part of it, or even the whole of it?
  • "God did undoubtedly create man after his own image, in righteousness and true holiness; but, notwithstanding this, he fore-ordained and decreed, that man should become impure and unrighteous, that is, should be made conformable to the image of Satan."
  • Mor. xxv, 14: In which words we have a lesson of humility, that we should not rashly presume to discuss the counsels of heaven concerning the calling of some, and the rejection of others; shewing that that cannot be unrighteous which is willed by Him that is righteous.
  • And for the edification of everyone, the following is the infamous "Oh Lord I demand you take the power of the media from the 'unrighteous' and give it to the 'righteous'" prayer that will probably be seen by future generations as the moment Ms. Porter officially "jumped the shark":
  • But whilst I dare say that may be the signification intended, if we were to require that the word here should be a full and correct antithesis to the other phrase, 'the true riches,' we should need to suppose that 'unrighteous' here meant that which falsely pretended to be what it was not.

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