
IPA: ʌnsˈæŋktʌfaɪd


  • Not having been sanctified; not made sacred; remaining mundane or worldly. #*

Examples of "unsanctified" in Sentences

  • I was told it was because of my inward and unsanctified carnality that these persons were drawn to me.
  • They dwelt with pathos upon those sacred rites desecrated by these "unsanctified" "young men" in their "miserable pamphlet."
  • That death and hell will be death and hell indeed to those that fall unsanctified from the height of this world's pomps and the fulness of its pleasures.
  • Thus great knowledge in the letter of the scripture, if the heart be unsanctified, is capable of being abused to serve the cause of infidelity, and to fight against Christianity with its own weapons.
  • "unsanctified," Mrs. Churton would have said -- it seemed as if the course of events had effectually parted the two girls, and that their close friendship was destined to be less a reality than a memory, so seldom were they able to meet.
  • I feel quite ashamed of the measure of his success with me; but surely we want a new sanctification every day, -- a new recurrence to the grace that will _set_ "all dislocated bones," as J. Fletcher calls unsanctified feelings and affections.
  • Russia and Gabon are blatantly banning all imports of the other white meat, while Egypt has ordered the mass-execution of all of their unhallowed hoggies (although this could merely be a convenient excuse to settle an age-old Islamic grudge -- why must unsanctified flesh taste so delicious!).

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