IPA: ʌnsˈeɪʃieɪtʌd
- Not satiated.
Examples of "unsatiated" in Sentences
- However, when still unsatiated they cannot opt to kill fewer prey.
- I think one reason Twitter leaves me unsatiated is that it asks the most boring question possible: "What are you doing?"
- I fear that my "insecurity" and "low self-esteem" are just general key words for the underlying unsatiated feeling that I may be gay.
- According to some new numbers out from Hitwise, searchers have an unsatiated hunger for details on the Republican candidate's policy positions and the Democratic candidate's biography.
- Na-Nachman psychiatrists believe Chomsky-Schleim-Landau is due to suppressed anger over delayed diaper change or unsatiated breast feeding, leaving a CSL carrier prone to anger, temper tantrums & in later life a Peace Now delusional state & Jewish self hate.
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