
IPA: ʌnskrˈu


  • (transitive) To loosen a screw or thing by turning it.

Examples of "unscrew" in Sentences

  • Picking up steam on the road to unscrew the nation, keep it moving folks.
  • Russell said as the mechanic used a spanner to unscrew the bolts of the panel.
  • I consider this for a moment, then unscrew the bottle and take a healthy slug of the meds.
  • First you grab a floor lamp, snap the head off, unscrew the base, and use the pole as a makeshift cane.
  • But the Zionist state was created, and as you can't "unscrew" the mother of an illegitimate child-neither can you unscrew the Palestinian people: -)
  • Step 5: Now that the brake caliper is removed, unscrew the debris covers, which are over the bolts that secure the brake pads to the caliper, with a flathead screwdriver.
  • It is going to take more than several months for President Obama to unscrew the mess that the Bush Administration left us and let face it, he left a big mess for President Obama to clean up.
  • It is tough to clean the pins thouroughly without a special tool to unscrew the plates ... anyhow, I figured out what the problem was because the pins left a little drag mark on the primer before it set them off.
  • The ability to unscrew a drain plug above a suitable catch-pan, wait for the fluid to leak out, replace the filter and the plug, and then dump four to five quarts of the proper viscosity motor oil in a crankcase?

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