
IPA: ʌnsˈiʌbʌɫ


  • invisible
  • unimaginable

Examples of "unseeable" in Sentences

  • Rank on rank, the dragon minions stretched into the unseeable distance.
  • Those wings stretched to the unseeable distance on either side of the mountain.
  • The steep crevice plunged away into unseeable depths, and the sylvari had vanished into it.
  • They stood in what seemed to be a plaza between three gigantic pyramids, except that, instead of a plaza, a chasm descended to unseeable depths.
  • It stayed this way for hundreds of millions of years -- unseen and unseeable -- until the coming together of clumps of atoms finally spawned the first stars -- enormous boiling nuclear fires, hundreds of times the size of the Sun, and a million times brighter.

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