IPA: ʌnsˈɛgmɛntɪd
- Not segmented.
Examples of "unsegmented" in Sentences
- Their bodies are soft and unsegmented.
- Trained with the unsegmented source language.
- The first pair of antennae is reduced and unsegmented.
- Arthropods and annelids both have close relatives that are unsegmented.
- The cerci are unsegmented and modified into large, forceps like structures.
- The first, a specialized structure, is one that is decomposable into substructures that are unsegmented.
- The feature values for the n grams are estimated from the statistics of the n grams in the large unsegmented corpus.
- Now anglers can find many three-piece and four-piece baitcasting and spinning travel rods that are the equal of their unsegmented counterparts.
- The fact that machine readable Chinese text is invariably stored in unsegmented form causes difficulty in applications that use the word as the basic unit.
- The unsegmented structures that are most commonly discussed are those in which any decision maker, any problem, and any solution has access to any choice situation.
- Experimental results show that the proposed system assigns the correct phonological representations to unsegmented Japanese sentences more precisely than do other popular systems.
- In situations in which load is heavy and the structure is relatively unsegmented, intention is lost in context-dependent flows of problems, solutions, people, and choice opportunities.
- Slight differences in rates or slight differences in interaction parameters between molecules and cells can change an organism that is a continuous unsegmented form to an organism that's segmented.
- I am also curious about their projection of steel consumption, because a lot of the steel was indeed consumed domestically construction and builfding and such unsegmented trend analysis may be more accurate..
- On the one hand, the destruction of existing institutions tends to reduce institutional constraints on noninstitutional forces, thus reinforcing forces associated with the possession of noninstitutional resources and moving a temporal sorting system more toward an unsegmented structure.
- The identification and analysis of the maternal genes affecting the segmentation pattern revealed that the anteroposterior axis is controlled by three groups of genes, each independently determining a subset of the pattern, the segmented anterior or posterior, or the unsegmented terminal regions of the embryo (35-37).
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