
IPA: ʌnsˈɛgrɪgeɪtɪd


  • Not segregated

Examples of "unsegregated" in Sentences

  • We have unsegregated schools in which the children segregate themselves by choice.
  • I wish more expats thought and worked like this, in a more open and unsegregated way.
  • Instead, the money remained unsegregated, and when Lehman collapsed four days later, CRC's money went with it.
  • It would have been bad enough for Rosemary to have to deal with leaving her favorite segregated school for the new unsegregated one she's being forced to attend.
  • He appointed white southerners to his administration who introduced segregation into their previously unsegregated departments, including the postal service which was a major employer.
  • It could work the way you suggest, but the cost and bother of transferring the overflow prisoners to the unsegregated prison, and back again as openings became available in the segregated ones, argues against it.
  • It could work the way you suggest, but the cost (and bother) of transferring the overflow prisoners to the unsegregated prison, and back again as openings became available in the segregated ones, argues against it.
  • As Aitchison and Rout put it: More mysterious still is the question of how this translocative [nuclear export] pathway was retrofitted onto the ribosome during the evolution of eukaryotes from their protoplasmically unsegregated prokaryotic ancestors.
  • Nothing great has been accomplished in America since the Civil War -- not footsteps on the moon, or women's suffrage, or the right if not the reality of equal, unsegregated education -- without people also passionately fighting for that dark right, too.
  • Another, perhaps more significant, signal of London's failure to build cohesive, just, pleasant communities can be found in the Parker-Goodhart essay: the most obvious symptom of social stress is the rise in support for extremist politics in London - challenging Livingstone's rosy vision of a happily multicultural and unsegregated city ...

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