
IPA: ʌnsˈɛksi


  • Not sexy.
  • (of research etc) Perceived as not having wide contemporary interest; plodding.

Examples of "unsexy" in Sentences

  • My other problem was that my job title was distinctly "unsexy".
  • I'm just guessing, but maybe emo is supposed to look "unsexy" or at the very least, androgynous, for this very reason.
  • However, the writing is on the wall for this "unsexy" politician, and Obama would do well to keep a polite distance from him.
  • Obama deserves credit for spending political capital on the "unsexy" issue of government management, Brookings Institution scholar Stephen Hess said.
  • In regards to Anonymous's comment on Hot Mothers, which passed under my radar till now why is it always women that bear the brunt of 'unsexy' in parenthood?
  • Obama and Bloomberg make very similar statements about the importance of investing in the nation's infrastructure, as "unsexy" as they both claim the issue to be.
  • That was why, in her 'unsexy' opinion, what went on in politicians 'bedrooms (or indeed lavatory cubicles) was a matter of public interest, and their sexual conduct did have ramifications for their professional character.

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