IPA: ʌnʃˈɛrd
- Not shared; exclusive.
Examples of "unshared" in Sentences
- My view has always been that success unshared is failure.
- And it's another nine months of our life that goes uncashed and unshared.
- Because it is the Rashah who sees that freedom unshared is freedom denied.
- Whiteness is initial as well as inaugural a system of unearned, unequal, unshared, dominant POWER.
- As a result, even though these hero companies have achieved a "proof of effort," there will be a huge amount of useful valuable clinical trial comparator arm data that remains unshared.
- I'm talking about the relationship I've carved with new dramas that seduce me with their pilots and then, just when the bonding becomes intimate, get canceled and disappear with nary a nod to the investment I've made and the secrets still unshared.
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