IPA: ʌnsˈoʊʃʌbʌɫnʌs
- The state or quality of being unsociable.
Examples of "unsociableness" in Sentences
- Snuffy was telling me they like him real well, considering his unsociableness.
- "This is so much better than gossip, unsociableness, sullen silence, and quarreling."
- All this apparent unsociableness is merely shyness -- the national characteristic of the Englishman.
- Yes, his present feeling of unsociableness went deeper than mere fatigue: it was a kind of deliberate turning-in on himself.
- But it was only those who knew him intimately that could venture, after long separation, to break in upon this seeming unsociableness and hauteur.
- An intimacy sprang up between the Rameyevs and Trirodov -- that is, to the extent that Trirodov's unsociableness and love of a solitary life permitted him to become intimate.
- And under the force of this tradition we idealise the rugged and unmanageable, we find something heroic in rough clothes and hands, in bad manners, insensitive behaviour, and unsociableness.
- His stature was reduced, his unsociableness seemed modified; he now looked to be a smallish, friendless person, as if some ownerless dog had darted through the street, and heard a kind chirp at the tavern door, where his reception had been stones.
- Cousin Ola thought of the pitiful part he had been playing all evening; his unsociableness weighed so much upon his mind that he answered -- the very stupidest thing he could have answered, he thought, the moment the words were out of his lips -- "I'm so sorry that I can't sing."
- Anyone who has been in close contact with country life can readily imagine the ignorance, bigotry, prejudice, unfairness and unsociableness of the population; the tendency to cling to the past no matter what its shortcomings; the unwillingness to venture into even the rosiest future which involves change.