
IPA: ʌnsˈoʊɫdɝ


  • To reverse the process of soldering, such as by breaking the joint and removing the solder

Examples of "unsolder" in Sentences

  • If strained when very hot it is apt to unsolder the strainer.
  • Cut off a piece of steel rod of the proper length and unsolder the ends.
  • Just cut between the two elbows and then unsolder the elbows from the pipes they are attached to.
  • But you must be careful not to unsolder the cylinder from its standard or the parts of the gland.
  • The result is that the blade and block get hot enough near the teeth of the blade to unsolder or weaken the teeth on the blade.
  • Be careful not to unsolder the spindle bearing, a thing which cannot happen if the bearing is kept cool by an occasional drop or two of water.
  • It is a good idea to unsolder the metal clips from the circuit board that were used to hold the battery, and then solder the wires into the holes they were in.
  • The story line he is pitching with his struggles as a leader came as he formed the Avengers and dealing with the unsolder/vigilante like personalities of Stark, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor etc.; who kind of viewed him as a cheesy golden boy do-gooder.
  • Different from the OBD-I Civic and Integra ecus, which you must add some extra parts, the OBD-0 Civic and CRX ecus do have a stock chip that can be replaced, making it simpler in a way, but tougher at the same time in another, because you will need to unsolder the stock chip, which is held with soldering in both top and bottom sides of the circuit board.
  • Different from the OBD-I Civic and Integra ecus, which you must add some extra parts, the OBD-I Accord and Prelude ecus do have a stock chip that can be replaced, making it simpler in a way, but tougher at the same time in another, because you will need to unsolder the stock chip, which is held with soldering in both top and bottom sides of the circuit board.

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