
IPA: ʌnsˈɑɫvd


  • Not yet solved.

Examples of "unsolved" in Sentences

  • Or are you denying that any problems from the last century remain unsolved?
  • Honestly, our process of plotting is one mystery that will probably remain unsolved forever.
  • Wolf stresses that even with relative progress that many of Tránsito's concerns remain unsolved:
  • The clues are colder than the corpse and the case looks like it'll remain unsolved -- until an eyewitness is discovered.
  • The detective would see to it that this case would not remain unsolved†¦ “It seems we†™ ve interrupted dinner for nothing. ”
  • Before going under cutting torches, guns that work will be test fired so the bullets and cartridges can be compared to evidence in unsolved murder cases, they said.
  • David Benqué's Infinite Adventure Machine creates random folk-tales, and is itself an adventure in what he describes as an unsolved computer science problem: automatic story generation.
  • Most likely the matter will always remain unsolved but the possibility of an extremely brief but highly intense pressure increase due to being the bullet being seated at the rifling can be found in various ballistic literature.
  • The death toll continues to climb and many crimes remain unsolved, leaving the community with little recourse but to take matters into their own hands by forming grassroots non-profit groups to shed light on the issue of the border city femicides.
  • Pendulum on the Dance Floor: The great mystery underlying the French scientist Leon Foucault's pendulum might remain unsolved since the giant brass instrument was irreparably damaged at the Musee des Arts et Metiers (Museum of Arts and Industry) in Paris.

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