
IPA: ʌnstˈaɪɫɪʃ


  • Not stylish; unfashionable.

Examples of "unstylish" in Sentences

  • But all things pass and now I am a hopelessly unstylish chubby mess, back where I began.
  • She moved her hand to her bodice and began to unbutton her fabulously unstylish Mary Astor-style dress.
  • The man in my last long-term relationship dressed really understated, expensive and stylishly unstylish.
  • An unstylish, unattractive or socially inept person; especially one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits.
  • The only thing the first-person perspective does in this case is accentuate how totally bland and unstylish the character sounds.
  • I was incredibly healthy, quite happy with life, so the only women I could hook up with were the odd, the unstylish, the ones who almost never used makeup and went walking around bra-less in tight t-shirts, so it wasn't so bad.

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