
IPA: ʌnsʌksˈɛsfʌɫ


  • Failed, not successful.

Examples of "unsuccessful" in Sentences

  • Blecker forged three additional letters in unsuccessful attempts to have the new RTP cancelled and withdrawn.
  • And his Finals performance, though unsuccessful from a team standpoint, should be legendary, and I don’t know why he doesn’t get that credit.
  • During the course of the investigation, Blecker forged three additional letters in unsuccessful attempts to have the new RTP cancelled and withdrawn.
  • The fraudulent conviction of the late Senator Ted Stevens was referred to as "unsuccessful," which it was, after he lost reelection by a hair's breadth.
  • I shall make another attempt this evening & least I may be again unsuccessful take a note in my pocket requesting him to leave the money for me tomorrow morning in case he should again be out.
  • At one point, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S. C.) introduced a line of questioning about Miranda rights and military commissions by recalling the unsuccessful bombing attempt on an airplane last Christmas.
  • From the 4th fogs said adverse winds prevented a further attempt until the 7th, which was then made nearer the end of the cable, and was unsuccessful from the same cause when the cable had been lifted about 1000 yards.

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