IPA: ʌnsˈutʌbˈɪɫʌti
- The quality of being unsuitable.
Examples of "unsuitability" in Sentences
- Except that her unsuitability was precisely the thing that intrigued him.
- Assembly Speaker Jassem Al-Khorafi about the 'unsuitability' of the proposal, reports
- There really does seem to be no other reason for his alleged "unsuitability" for marriage.
- Spare us that slop about how writing about Palin’s unsuitability is like attacking motherhood, womankind and apple pie.
- "unsuitability" to deliver modern education; schools which are not part of a funded programme already; local authorities 'own priorities; and readiness to proceed.
- And then Kestrel sealed his "unsuitability" by publicly proposing marriage to a Gypsy ... and being accepted The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile he could not repress.
- NASD officials have said they reacted to myriad customer complaints over the product's confusing conditions over the years, such as unsuitability for older customers and early-withdrawal charges.
- This is one of several observations made by the Karnataka Administrative Tribunal while dismissing the petition filed by Ms. Malini questioning the order issued in February 2009 discharging her for "unsuitability" for the post.
- Opens at Vue West End, W1, Fri 30, and selected cinemas Fri 6Perhaps mindful of his own unsuitability, Besson treats Aung Saan Suu Kyi's story with too much restraint here, making for a slow, pious trudge through the Burmese leader's eventful life.