
IPA: ʌnsʌpˈɔrtɪv


  • Not supportive.

Examples of "unsupportive" in Sentences

  • Needless to say, the comments on the blog entry are fairly, shall we say, "unsupportive" of the decision :
  • It concluded that people were generally "unsupportive" of these - although the level of understanding about the technologies was considered low.
  • Moreover, recent trends suggest that the state of the wider economy — particularly the labour market — is likely to remain unsupportive in the months ahead.
  • (To this day she pesters me about whether I'm sure my breast-fed babies are getting enough to eat; the parenting magazines would classify her as "unsupportive" and warn me to stay away.)
  • Now, I fully expect to be blocked out of your blog, or hear angry responses about how could I be so "unsupportive" from the many who've posted some beautiful things as comments to this post.
  • Pfthth. Anyway, today I feel like I am being kind of unsupportive of Neil or something, that I'm always not going with him, and sure I was too ill for years, but now I am well and I should be going with him when he visits family.

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