
IPA: ʌnsʌspˈɛktɪŋɫi


  • In an unsuspecting manner.

Examples of "unsuspectingly" in Sentences

  • Children can spread the virus unsuspectingly from poor hand-washing.
  • And I wasn't ready for someone to (unsuspectingly) remind me of that little fact right now.
  • "In Blakely, New Brunswick," I said, almost believing that I had when I saw how they all took it in unsuspectingly.
  • Soon after, we see meet Alice Mia Wasikowska again as a young woman of 19 being unsuspectingly courted for marriage by a most incompatible suitor.
  • Serapion at first unsuspectingly allowed but soon after forbade, this, saying that he had borrowed a copy from the sect who used it, "whom we call Docetae".
  • Few people would venture into this neighborhood at night, but Simon Bodhan strode unsuspectingly down the dilapidated sidewalk, lead by his 50-pound extraterrestrial “pet”.
  • A notorious photo snapped during a game shows a Duke fan with a “JJ is Redickulous” sign standing unsuspectingly next to a Maryland supporter who adds “- ly gay” with his own poster.
  • Reading can give you a fine sense of pacing, cue you into why a scene might not be working right, and keeps you from unsuspectingly revisiting overdone plot lines -- as well as a host of very useful other skills.
  • Internet security companies say, as of Monday, more than 100 of the so-called zombie computers that were used to carry out the online attack have seen the contents of their hard drives erased by the malware that the computer owners unsuspectingly downloaded.

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