
IPA: ʌnsʌspˈɪʃʌs


  • Not suspicious; not suspecting, unaware (of something).
  • Not arousing suspicion.

Examples of "unsuspicious" in Sentences

  • We scrambled up the hill, opting for a quick plan of action over a slow, unsuspicious one.
  • You're right about the vetting, of course, and I'm not unsuspicious (to put it mildly) of HRC.
  • Unschooled in the ways of social networking, this still seemed fairly innocuous to me, but not entirely unsuspicious.
  • Because there are few humans — fewer than three per square mile — the birds of the Russian Far East are, well, fairly unsuspicious.
  • With no facts to the contrary, I reasoned someone must have taken advantage of her merry, unsuspicious nature and claimed her for their own.
  • And just as he kept saying no one, not even media, is allowed to go in anymore, vans of TV stations and other 'unsuspicious' vehicles kept passing through.
  • Two or three of the crew endeavored to rush me, but, being entirely unsuspicious of any possible attack from the rear, they were unarmed, and after I had caused several of their number to disintegrate and vanish, the rest were so terrified by the ray-pistol as to be entirely tractable.
  • From their dress, and also because the party was immediately behind our lines and within a mile and a half of my headquarters, Meigs and his assistants naturally thought that they were joining friends, and wholly unsuspicious of anything to the contrary, rode on with the three men some little distance; but their perfidy was abruptly discovered by their suddenly turning upon Meigs with a call for his surrender.

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