
IPA: ʌnswˈɝvɪŋ


  • Not deviating; not yielding or straying or varying.

Examples of "unswerving" in Sentences

  • Mr. Davies makes "unswerving" an adjective of 'devotion.'
  • He recalled their unswerving loyalty with a glow at his heart.
  • Avatar doesn't have a bad story, but its unswerving direction does make it a predictable one.
  • The sons had come first, three of them, and then had followed, in unswerving sequence, a round dozen of girls.
  • Think of the unswerving decades-long reigns of men like Mubarak and Gaddafi and it's easy to understand how frustrations collect and boil over.
  • While those brutes all still loom in the background, the rapid and unswerving rise in energy and other commodity prices is now making a spirited run at sacking the current streak of profit growth.
  • It is a matter of history that the loyalty of the French - Canadians has been unswerving from the day that they came under the British regime, and that they have proved their allegiance with their lives 'blood.
  • But in the long run, the state's unswerving determination to deliver Mladic to international justice is the strongest message any government in Belgrade could give to its neighbours that it intends to turn the page of history and start rebuilding the country and the region.
  • The responsibilities which, under your direction and in response to my plea, the American community is now assuming, over and above the task they have already undertaken in connection with the Divine Plan, proclaiming in unmistakable terms their unswerving determination to prove themselves worthy of the sublimity of their mission, and of their privileged position among their sister communities in both the East and the West, — the twofold task they have arisen to perform will, if carried out in time, release the potentialities with which the community of the Greatest Name has been so generously and mysteriously endowed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

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