
IPA: ʌnsʌmˈɛtrɪkʌɫ


  • Not symmetrical.

Examples of "unsymmetrical" in Sentences

  • Wouldn't having only one eye treated leave you unsymmetrical?
  • Because of the unsymmetrical shape of the flagella, CW rotation causes tumbling.
  • The car's website says, "Symmetry is so last year," and apparently unsymmetrical is in.
  • Lastly, there are eleven action periods, derived by dividing the thirty lunar dates in a rather unsymmetrical manner.
  • I like it because it is so perfectly unsymmetrical, as if two entire different painters started and finished it. datingjesus
  • Space shuttle flight director Kwatsi Alibaruho said this was caused by the massive and unsymmetrical bulk of the joined space station and shuttle, as well as the constant pull of Earth's gravity on the "stack."
  • The tasks of preparing suitable ribosomal crystals for diffraction, and of interpreting the resulting X-ray diffraction patterns from such large and unsymmetrical entities, were at first widely viewed as impossible.
  • I ate one during my first advanced swimming lesson (YMCA, 1979, a modified Finnish backstroke), as I competed in my first school chess tournament, while taking the ACT exam, during my first real date (this was in college — I started late due to my enormous unsymmetrical ears), and also a green sour apple blow pop as I was encouraging a young lady to accept a large diamond.

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