
IPA: ʌnsʌmˈɛtrɪkɫi


  • In an unsymmetrical way.

Examples of "unsymmetrically" in Sentences

  • Even to this day the north-east wing of Perrault's façade projects unsymmetrically beyond the line of the north front.
  • Now when we have a spinning body, say a top, overloaded on one side so that gravity acts on it unsymmetrically, what happens?
  • The north transept already had a large chapel of two stages upon its eastern side, so that the plan was treated unsymmetrically.
  • The spruces were gnarled and twisted by the wind, a number of them were dead, and many leaned unsymmetrically athwart each other.
  • Their clerestory contains plain and uninteresting three-light windows, which are, moreover, unsymmetrically placed with regard to the arches beneath them.
  • With its huge ungainly limbs sprawling unsymmetrically, and its gnarled hands and fingers, it stood an aged, stern, and scornful monster among the smiling birch trees.
  • The same is true of plants: the daisy's petals are a perfect example of radial symmetry and the branches of a tree extend unsymmetrically in all directions from the trunk.
  • The mixed Gothic and Romanesque interior of +Sienna Cathedral+ (Fig. 150), with its round arches and six-sided dome, unsymmetrically placed over the crossing, is one of the most impressive creations of Italian mediæval art.
  • He remembers, besides the works of art which he has seen, the fact of having walked a great distance through straight corridors, up and down short flights of marble steps, and through irregularly shaped and unsymmetrically disposed halls.
  • He enumerated in 1896 [1087] nine principal currents, all flowing parallel to the equator, but unsymmetrically placed north and south of it, and showing scant signs of conformity to the solar rule of retardation with increase of latitude.

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